Computer Glasses

In this day and age, many people are required to look at a computer screen for a large portion of their day in order to carry out the duties of their job. This creates eye conditions that are unique to computer usage, including eye fatigue, pain and blurred vision. In addition to these eye symptoms, people who regularly shift between a computer screen and the keyboard, books or other items on their desks, can develop a condition known as Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). Fortunately, CVS can be overcome by the use of computer glasses.

How Computer Glasses Correct CVS

People who already wear glasses may develop addition problems from bending forward to read what is on their computer monitors. Typical issues include neck stiffness and pain in the upper back and shoulders. Computer glasses can help these conditions as well. This is accomplished by wearing a single vision lens that is magnified to allow the computer user to read the screen comfortably without eye strain or causing injury to other parts of the body. People who normally wear bifocals can have no-line computer glasses especially made to accommodate their vision deficiencies.

Computer glasses are intended to relieve eye fatigue and to be used at close distances. They were not designed with long distances in mind, so they should not be relied upon for vision correction in any other instance except using the computer. The wearer is able to choose the type of design that will work the best for his or her situation. The first type is a separate pair of glasses that has been adjusted strictly for computer use. The second kind is a clip-on that goes over the computer user’s regular glasses to help him or her avoid the symptoms of CVS. Computer users are also encouraged to take frequent breaks throughout the day.